We’re investigating what content social media platforms amplify. Sign up for updates on what we uncover. Browse the archive

Citizen Browser
Credit Card Ads Were Targeted by Age, Violating Facebook’s Anti-Discrimination Policy
Such ads, along with other age-targeted financial product ads, may violate civil rights laws, attorneys say

Citizen Browser
How Facebook’s Ad System Lets Companies Talk Out of Both Sides of Their Mouths
Exxon, Comcast, and other companies target people of different political leanings with different ads

Who Sees More Ads on Facebook?
Facebook’s financials showed the company made $84.2 billion in advertising revenue in 2020—its major source of revenue. Facebook sells itself …

Save the Date: The Citizen Browser Project Debrief
Recently The Markup launched Citizen Browser, a first-of-its-kind research initiative designed to audit the blackbox algorithms that social media platforms …

Citizen Browser
Introducing “Split Screen”
A new tool from The Markup’s Citizen Browser project

Official Info on COVID-19 Is Reaching Fewer Black People on Facebook
As we reach one year of the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S., it’s abundantly clear that the virus has taken …

Citizen Browser
Trump’s False Posts Were Treated with Kid Gloves by Facebook
Data from Citizen Browser shows how rare it is for a post to be called “false”—especially if you’re the president

Citizen Browser
Facebook Says “Technical Issues” Were the Cause of Broken Promise to Congress
In January, The Markup published proof the platform continued to recommend political groups to its users, contrary to its statements

The Hashtags of Facebook
On some platforms hashtags are everything. Twitter first implemented them in 2007 after a user pitched the idea to one …

Citizen Browser
Lawmaker Questions Facebook on Broken Election-Related Promise
Following an investigation by The Markup, Sen. Ed Markey is asking for answers on why Facebook failed to stop recommending political groups
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