Hello World
Rethinking Security from the Ground Up
Professor Rikke Bjerg Jensen explores how social context shapes security
Challenging technology to serve the public good.
Hello World
Professor Rikke Bjerg Jensen explores how social context shapes security
Hello World
We need more live student assessment, more emphasis on critical thinking—and less homework, William Liang writes
Hello World
The Markup’s reporting led to federal lawsuits, local government reforms, and much more
Hello World
A conversation with agroecologist Maywa Montenegro
Hello World
A Republican presidency could require California to monitor abortions and send sensitive data to the CDC
Hello World
Is it possible?
Hello World
A conversation with AI scientist Jonathan Frankle
Hello World
“At any given moment, there is something or someone watching you,” sociologist Francisco Lara-García tells The Markup
Premium Penalty
Taking inspiration from The Simpsons and Chevron commercials, we created an illustrated explainer to ground our storytelling
Hello World
Car insurers in Michigan are not allowed to use race when setting premiums, but Black drivers are still being penalized
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