Show Your WorkBlacklight
How We Built a Real-time Privacy Inspector
Blacklight catalogs the many ways any website tracks visitors: from cookies to capturing every user keystroke and mouse movement
Challenging technology to serve the public good.
Show Your WorkBlacklight
Blacklight catalogs the many ways any website tracks visitors: from cookies to capturing every user keystroke and mouse movement
Show Your WorkGoogle the Giant
Novel categorizations and “staining” techniques uncovered how much space on the search results page Google dedicates to itself
Show Your WorkBanned Bounty
It wasn’t that hard; Amazon’s own search and recommendation tools led the way
Show Your WorkLocked Out
Public records, interviews, and months of searching and reading court records helped us uncover how automated screenings come up short
Show Your WorkCoronavirus
Show Your WorkGoogle the Giant
We conducted an experiment with a new email address to try to figure out how Gmail's sorting algorithm worked without user input
Show Your WorkAllstate’s Algorithm
By parsing a rare document containing fine details of the company’s auto insurance pricing, we found stark differences in how high proposed price hikes were allowed to rise
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