Locked Out
Landlords Are Using AI To Raise Rents — and Cities Are Starting To Push Back
Federal prosecutors have accused software company RealPage of enriching itself "at the expense of renters who pay inflated prices"
Challenging technology to serve the public good.
Locked Out
Federal prosecutors have accused software company RealPage of enriching itself "at the expense of renters who pay inflated prices"
Locked Out
Investigation on tenant screening used to illustrate needed reforms
Locked Out
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau advised screening agencies to stop error-prone practice
Locked Out
The move comes after a Markup and New York Times series revealed screening agencies relying on faulty information to deny people homes
Locked Out
They raise concerns over racial disparities, effects of pandemic
Locked Out
Reforms have been in the works for years, but a looming eviction crisis has made them urgent
Locked Out
Even when people get their criminal records expunged, data brokers ensure the past keeps coming back to haunt them
Locked Out
Landlords increasingly use screening services to weed out renters. Advocates say both landlords and the algorithms should be accountable when things go wrong
The BreakdownLocked Out
Investigate, complain, and maybe sue
Locked Out
Scant rules around tenant background screenings mean money woes during the pandemic’s economic slowdown will haunt some tenants, even if they pay up
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