Hello World
How Elon Musk Is Trying To Make Web Scraping Dangerous Again
A massive civil suit from Musk’s X Corp. threatens to make web scraping legally perilous again. The ACLU’s Esha Bhandari explains what’s going on.
Challenging technology to serve the public good.
Ryan Tate has been writing and editing technology stories for more than 15 years. He was previously at The Intercept, where as deputy and technology editor he led lengthy investigations into companies like Facebook, Google, and TikTok and into surveillance by the National Security Agency, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and authorities in the Chinese region of Xinjiang.
Before that, he wrote about the use and abuse of corporate power in the tech sector at Wired and Gawker.
(Photograph by Noah Berger.)
Hello World
A massive civil suit from Musk’s X Corp. threatens to make web scraping legally perilous again. The ACLU’s Esha Bhandari explains what’s going on.
Machine Learning
A Markup examination of a typical college shows how students are subject to a vast and growing array of watchful tech, including homework trackers, test-taking software, and even license plate readers
Two proposed federal class action lawsuits, filed in the wake of a Markup investigation, accuse the grocer of disclosing private data through its online store and pharmacy
The Markup gives a section-by-section breakdown of the summarized executive order on artificial intelligence
Hello World
The longtime privacy journalist on how investigating Clearview AI helped her appreciate facial recognition—and envision a chaotic future
Markup readers helped uncover the link delays, which also affect WhatsApp and Messenger
Amazon’s Advantage
Antitrust complaint comes two years after a Markup investigation reached the same conclusion about Amazon search results
Pixel Hunt
Sharing private information could lead to penalties, agency says after Markup investigation
Loading links to Bluesky, Facebook, Instagram, and Substack takes far longer than to other sites. We built a tool so you can check any domain you like
Data collection laws are much trickier to navigate in Europe than in the U.S.
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