2020 in Review
Facebook Had an Anxiety-Producing 2020
Despite financial success, the company was plagued by content moderation struggles, internal dissent, and regulatory threats
Challenging technology to serve the public good.
2020 in Review
Despite financial success, the company was plagued by content moderation struggles, internal dissent, and regulatory threats
2020 in Review
Even as it made massive gains, the company’s practices were closely scrutinized
2020 in Review
As politicians and regulators turned their attention to Silicon Valley, tech companies went on the offensive
2020 in Review
It should have been a perfect year for Zoom, but the company was plagued by privacy mishaps
2020 in Review
Alphabet ran a gantlet of regulatory threats as the pandemic diminished, and then boosted, profits
2020 in Review
Computers are being asked to make more and more weighty decisions, even as their performance reviews are troubling