The BreakdownPrivacy
How Do I Protect My Privacy If I’m Seeking an Abortion?
A guide to keeping your plans private through every step of an abortion in any state, including Florida and South Dakota
Challenging technology to serve the public good.
Tomas Apodaca is a journalism engineer. He supports The Markup’s investigative journalism by exploring data, reverse-engineering algorithms, and creating custom tools.
Before joining The Markup, Tomas worked at Nava PBC and Code for America, building software that helped people access and navigate government services. Before that, he helped build digital maps in Mongolia, collected data for an elections API in Indonesia, and worked against HIV/AIDS in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Signal: apodaca.01
The BreakdownPrivacy
A guide to keeping your plans private through every step of an abortion in any state, including Florida and South Dakota
CalMatters and The Markup used Facebook’s AI model to count the millions of dollars it makes after violent news events
Hello World
A conversation with agroecologist Maywa Montenegro
Hello World
Is it possible?
The Breakdown
Simple steps to take before hitting the streets
Digital Book Banning
The Trevor Project? Blocked. Planned Parenthood? Blocked. NASA? BLOCKED
The Microsoft-powered bot says bosses can take workers’ tips and that landlords can discriminate based on source of income
Automated Censorship
The platform will not “proactively recommend content about politics.” See if what you’ve posted counts
Automated Censorship
وجد تحقيق أجرته ”ذا مارك آب“ أن منصة الإنستغرام حجبت صور متعلقة بالحرب على غزة، وحذفت التسميات التوضيحية دون سابق إنذار، وحرمت المستخدمين من خيار الاستئناف.
The BreakdownAutomated Censorship
Instagram, YouTube, and other platforms moderate billions of posts—here are some of their common techniques
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