Allstate’s Algorithm
Newly Public Documents Allege Allstate Overcharged Loyal California Customers $1 billion
A 2020 Markup investigation found the company pursuing similar goals in other states
Challenging technology to serve the public good.
Allstate’s Algorithm
A 2020 Markup investigation found the company pursuing similar goals in other states
Allstate’s Algorithm
The agency is raising the same issues we found in our investigation of Allstate's proposed algorithm in Maryland
Allstate’s Algorithm
A joint investigation by The Markup and Consumer Reports was cited in a lawsuit over discriminatory car insurance rates
Show Your WorkAllstate’s Algorithm
By parsing a rare document containing fine details of the company’s auto insurance pricing, we found stark differences in how high proposed price hikes were allowed to rise
Allstate’s Algorithm
Insurers are supposed to price based on risk, but Allstate’s algorithm put a thumb on the scale