A weekly newsletter—delivered every Saturday morning—that goes deep into our original reporting and the questions we put to big thinkers in the field. Browse the archive

Hello World
Back into the Trenches of the Crypto Wars
A conversation with Meredith Whittaker

Ask Julia: Is My Phone Listening to Me?
Your questions, answered

Inside China’s Surveillance Panopticon
A conversation with Josh Chin and Liza Lin

The Right to Intimate Privacy
A conversation with Danielle Citron

Mastodon’s Moment
A conversation with Adam Davidson

Investigating YouTube’s Ideological “Rabbit Hole”
A conversation with Megan Brown

Imagining a World Ruled by a Corporate Algorithm
A conversation with Vauhini Vara

When You Pay for the Product but Still Are the Product
A conversation with Scott Jordan

Broadband Bias
Poorer and less-White neighborhoods get slower speeds

The Many Monopoly Cases Against Google
A conversation with Fiona Scott Morton
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