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So, you’re an attorney looking at a class action settlement. If you can’t feasibly distribute it among a class of millions, that money can work to advance justice and the public good through The Markup.

“Cy pres” (from the French phrase meaning “as near as”) is a doctrine that permits a court to award funds from a class action settlement to a nonprofit organization that would advance the interests of the class and people similarly situated. If distribution of unallocated funds is impractical or impossible (due to cost, location, or volume, for example), a cy pres designation honors the spirit and intention of the judgment in a more streamlined and systemic manner. 

The Markup, with our work cited as evidence in dozens of class action lawsuits, is a remarkable candidate as a cy pres recipient. When our investigations spur accountability in the form of legal action, there is no better way to continue the fight for transparency and agency than for that money to be invested back into our work to challenge technology to serve the public good.

If you have any questions or are interested in designating The Markup as a cy pres award recipient, please contact CEO Nabiha Syed or Development Director Lauren Spirig.